Monday, February 26, 2007

Kai Pai at the Marae

By Ally Birch

A rowdy group of students stood clumped together in a huddle, listening in awe to the calls of a Maori lady welcoming them to her iwi- Orakei marae. Slowly but surely they slipped their shoes off and entered the beautiful wharenui.

Inside Rooms one and seventeen were greeted with an inviting karanga. They returned the gesture by singing a lovely waiata that they'd been practicing for the last week.

After an hour of fidgeting and attempting to listen to some stories about the marae and its people, the two rooms were finally let out with a chance to explore and take pictures. They had a mediocore time but at least the children picked up some interesting facts including the current wherabouts of the former tree of " One Tree Hill" . It's drying and being stored at the Orakei Marae where it is going to be carved and donated to another iwi.

Next week both rooms have another exciting E.O.T.C trip................ Ice-Skating!

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