Tuesday, March 27, 2007


By Toyah Webb

Orakei Marae was the destination of Room 1 and Room 17 of Ponsonby Intermediate on Valentines Day.

The students were welcomed onto the Marae with a beautiful Karanga , which made a difference from the chitter-chatter of excited students on the bus.

The children entered the Wharenui where the Kau Matua performed a Waiata. Room 1 and Room 17 were then asked to perform a waiata of their own, but they were not worried, as they had practiced on the bus before hand.

Time went by as the Kau Matua told the students their history and many stories. Ms Lawson, the teacher of Room 17, then notified the Kau Matau that they had to go. The children were relieved, as they had been sitting still for an hour. “ I’ve got pins and needles, ” Louis Allison of Room 17 giggled. Just before they left, the Kau Matau gave the children a quick tour of their Marae. “ Once the whole Marae burnt down, “ said Bob, one of the Kau Matau. The students saw a wonderful Waka that could seat 180 people! There was also a little house that had been given to the Marae by a man who had built it for his wife. Someone had lived in it for a while, but now it is used for a store-room.

It had been a great day but is was finally time to go. The students were sad to say goodbye to the Orakei Marae.

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