Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Valentines Treat That Was Very Sweet.

By Conner McBeath

A boisterous group of school children hopped off the bus at Orakei
Marae last Wednesday. Ms Lawson hushed the children as they made there slow descent to the Wharenui also known as the meeting house. This was the start of a weekly E.O.T.C program.

The children were introduced to the kaumata of the Marae, and were sung a lovely powhiri, at which they tried to reply with another powhiri. The children patiently sat in the Marae while the kaumata were talking about the history. “The police came and we had to fight them off,” said Bob, one of the kaumata. “In the end we won back the Marae,” stated Whaea.

After a long history talk they were taken outside and shown the Waka that supposedly sat 180 people. The children were then taken briefly around the Marae.

Eventually they settled on the bus thinking of the great first E.O.T.C trip.

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