Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Orakei Marae

By Jasmine Kerkmesster

On a stifling morning, Rooms 17 and 1 from Ponsonby Intermediate stood in the shade, waiting to be let into the Wharenui (meeting house.) Suddenly, all eyes turned to a fairly old woman who was walking towards them slowly singing a karanga (a maori traditional greeting.) The students responded by walking slowly to the Wharenui. Before they entered, they took off their shoes and hat as a sign of respect. The kau matua sang a powhiri for the students and teachers. Nervously the students stood up and sang in response. The song was called E Turu Nga Mea. The students were asked to sit in rows.

After that, Bob introduced himself and told them about the history of the marae. Afterwards, sitting down for an hour, it was time for the students to explore the marae.

Outside, all eyes turned to a massive chunk of wood, which was from One Tree Hill. Bob said his iwi would carve it, and give it away as a gift to another iwi. There was also a large waka that took 120 people to row!

Before Ponsonby Intermediate knew it, it was time to go back to their school. They all had a fantastic day and will remember the memories of the marae for a long time.

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