Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Seventeen Vist Orakei Marae

Seventeen Visit Orakei Marae

By Kalman Zambo

It was a blisteringly hot day when two classes from Ponsonby Intermediate set off to Orakei marae.

After rushing off their bus, Ms. Lawson announced the arrival of a well-earned morning tea. Following about seventy sandwiches and thirty oranges, the group packed and rumbled to the mahau, meeting place for a traditional Maori welcome.

After a lengthy history talk about the marae, its people and areas by “Bob”, an elder, the group left for a guided tour with Bobs’s Cousin, Whaea.

Of particular interest were the remains of the One Tree Hill tree, several large grey logs, the Marae plans to carve the logs into their ancestors and present them to another tribe.

After a few group photos the Students and Teachers said their farewells and returned to Ponsonby with their memories of Orakei Marae.

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